Team Detail

  • Outing Club (Fall)

    2024 - 2025
    Head Coach: Douglas Alford

    Outing Club is offered during the Fall and Spring. Students will become certified in Wilderness First Aid, learn their way around the woods, mountains, rocks, and rivers of Gould’s beautiful slice of western Maine and the White Mountains. Students learn seasonally appropriate outdoor skills, including hiking, campcraft (fire building, cooking, shelters, etc.), canoeing, rock climbing, backcountry skiing snowshoeing, ice climbing, and more. These programs include daily activities and weekend overnight trips. Students interested in the Winter Outing Club should be intermediate skiers, and they will need a season pass to Sunday River Ski Resort. This group is limited to 13 participants each trimester.

Date Opponent Title Time Result Location


Overall Statistics
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League Statistics
W L T %
Non-League Statistics
W L T %
Independent High School for Boys and Girls | Grades 9-12, Postgraduate and Winter Term for Grades 7-8 | Boarding School in the Mountains of Maine

Gould Academy guides students to be creative, courageous and resilient and to lead lives of fulfillment and purpose.